Jimbo's Family Album
Our son, Samuel, has his own home page.
My siblings. My sister Anne is on the left, and my brother John is in the middle. I'm the tall guy. We don't look anything like this any more; I should probably put up a more recent picture.
Our cats, Schmutzie (white) and Niki (dark mix). There's a white teddy bear in between them, so don't think that Schmutzie's deformed.
Schmutzie. My brother John is an amateur photographer, and he snapped this shot, which is one of my favorite pictures.
Niki. Niki is incredibly dim-witted and large, but we love her as much as the other cats. She's very vocal.
Me with Raven on my chest, Spatz on my legs, and Niki in the cat bed. Raven is jet-black.
Spatz playing in the bathroom sink. Now you know why we named her Spatz.