Hello and welcome! I was born on January 23rd, 1997, to my Mommy and Daddy, Jim and Melissa Leonard. Daddy's taught me so much about computers already that he thought it would be a good idea if I made my own home page. I agree! With Mommy's and Daddy's help, I'll try to update the pictures and movies every month so you can see how I'm growing!
Last updated: April 11th, 1998
Here are some home movies of me! They're in MPEG format. If you don't have an MPEG movie player,
visit www.mpeg.org to get the right one for your operating system. (It's free--you just download it from the site.)
Or, if you run Windows 95, you can get an MPEG player right here.
Three months old:
Nine months old:
Fourteen months old: