These are examples of typical music you hear in demos. All sound samples are provided in both Microsoft WAVE and Sun/NeXT AU format. All samples were taken directly from a playing Gravis Ultrasound, and sampled in 8-bit mono 11KHz sound.
Mellow Techno. (160K) (from Verses/EMF) This is your "typical" demo music. It's dancable, but has more style and structure than regular dance or techno music. (Americans consider this type of music "european"; europeans consider it cool. ;-)
Rock & Roll. (158K) (from Show/Majic12) Some demos are abandoning the traditional demo music and coming up with music that mimics traditional styles. This example, from Majic 12's Show demo, is a bit like rock.
Techno. (221K) (song by AiRoN Jayder) This is the second-most common style of music for demos--techno. Dance music, full of raw energy.
Unclassified. (140K) (from Wired '94 results intro) Occaisionally you'll hear music that just doesn't fit into a category. Sometimes an experiment, sometimes awkward, but always fresh to listen to.
Here is an example of some of the fantastic art created by graphicians.
ANSI Groups are groups of people who draw graphics for BBS's, but the graphics they draw are entirely made up of ASCII and extended ASCII text characters. (This is so the graphics can be displayed in text mode, or conviently transmitted via a BBS while on-line.) ANSI is the term given the standard color and positioning codes that are embedded in pictures to give them color, etc. More recently, ANSI groups have been drawing pictures for demo groups. Here's an example of ANSI Art.
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