You are here: The Oldskool PC/info |
Welcome to The Oldskool PC, a website dedicated to old PC gaming-related nostalgia and resources. Hasta la oldskool, baby. |
The Guides Technical help (and new uses) for old PC software and hardware. |
The Shrines Pages of Worship dedicated to a particular aspect of PC computing or gaming in the 1980's. |
The Basement Miscellanous materials and media. All good things end up in your basement. |
Disk2FDI Can't read Amiga and other format disks on a PC? Guess again, wussy boy! |
The Classic Demoscenes Pushing the PC/C64/Amiga past its limits to achieve the impossible, all for the sake of entertainment. |
So just what the heck is![]() anyway? |
Flopper Want to boot an old 5.25" diskette, but you don't always have access to a 5.25" drive? Flopper is your savior. |
That Oldskool Beat How cool can old computers and consoles really sound? Just listen. |
Tand-Em The world's first Tandy and IBM PCjr exclusive emulator. Extraordinary PC sound and graphics in 1984? Believe it, baby! |
Oldskool Tales Memories, nostalgia, and respect for the days of bare metal coding. My ass is raw from these guys kicking it. |
Your advert here! Contact us for pricing. |
Who is this guy? Everything you ever wanted to know about Trixter but were afraid to ask. |
Oldskool PC Software Hell, we've got all sorts of programs that either work with any IBM PC, or help you with one. Take a gander. |