You are here: The Oldskool PC/Oldskool PC Software/The Beyond Castle Wolfenstein Project

The Beyond Castle Wolfenstein Project

A project to convert the original PC booter to a DOS/Windows executable.

Download: ver 0.2 Released July 19th 2004
Download: ver 0.2 source (x86 asm)
Current status: Very playable. Soundblaster support. Minor timing issues. See buglist and status for full details.

Beyond Castle Wolfenstein was a game released in 1985 by Muse Software. Written by Silas Warner, the game charmed and influenced many game players and authors around the world.
In February of 2004, Silas Warner passed away after a long battle with kidney disease. This project is a shrine to his work, in hopes that current and future game players can enjoy his groundbreaking work for years to come.

Beyond Castle Wolfenstein Project Quick FAQ
Buglist, status, command line options, key info, etc.
Complete documentation (apple docs, but most of it applies to the PC version too.)
Conversion tutorial
My other DOS port, Jumpman by Epyx from 1984
Mobygames info on BCW.
Gamespot's memorial to Silas
Information about the Silas Warner memorial fund
DOSBox emulator. Probably the best way to run BCW on a machine without legacy soundblaster support.


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