The CGA Compatibility Tester, as its name implies, is a program that
benchmarks and stresses nearly every capability of the IBM Color
Graphics Adapter (CGA). This can be used to:
Verify that your clone CGA card is 100% compatible with the real IBM CGA
Similarly, verify how badly your non-CGA card (or software emulator) screws up CGA emulation
Benchmark adapter RAM speed, to compare with other adapters
Calibrate your CGA RGB monitor for maximum enjoyment
Satisfy your curiosity about how CGA can be tweaked
Full documentation is included in the .zip file (see below for download) as "cga_comp.txt". Please consult the documentation for more information.
The following tests are included:
Adapter memory speed benchmarks:
Interleaved opcode/adapter memory read benchmark
Interleaved opcode/adapter memory write benchmark
Adapter Memory-only read benchmark
Adapter Memory-only write benchmark
Color Select and Mode Control Register tests:
Border/Overscan color
Medium-res graphics background color
High-res graphics foreground color
Palette display (all six medium-res palettes)
Textmode manipulation:
40-column test
Textmode highcolor background (ie. disable blink)
Textmode cursor manipulation
CGA "snow" anomoly
Font display (simulated via 40-col mode)
Monitor Calibration:
Brightness calibration
Contrast calibration
Moire pattern (high-res horiz/vert/50%)
Display of all 16 colors
MC6845 CRTC programming:
Horizontal retrace demo
Vertical retrace detection
Row reprogramming (80x100)
Row/Column reprogramming (90x30)
Interlaced mode test
Horizontal/Vertical sync position test
Start Address register test
Reference Video
To provide a reference to how the tester works with a real 100% IBM CGA card
and monitor, a Full-D1 MPEG-2 video of some of the more demanding tests in an earlier version of the program is available courtesy of The Internet Archive. It is
highly recommended to watch the video before attempting to use the tester, so
that you can have an idea of what some of the more demanding tests are supposed to look like. (The video is somewhat outdated as it doesn't cover all of the tests present in the current version, but it covers the more important ones.)
Here is a streaming version of that video, for the curious:
A VOGONS thread where someone runs the tester against many VGA cards in their CGA compatibility modes and records the results.
CGACAL is a program that displays a simple color chart, and the webpage has an image of what that chart is supposed to look like. There is also an explanation of why color index #6 is generated as dark yellow but shows up on the monitor as brown, something that has caused a lot of confusion for emulator authors.
This page's content was last modified on Sep 10, 2018 10:49 pm.
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